Wednesday, 13 June 2018

1) Electricity and Ice Cream labs were due yesterday
2) Lit. circles signed-  overdue
3) Fort York Assignment - please note that you can find answers on the Fort York website if your tour guide did not cover some of the items.
4) Wear rainbow on Friday for Pride month
5) Practise story re-tell at home in preparation for presentation

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Bring Genius Hour objects - you will have Genius Hour tomorrow!
Grade 7s sign - 2 science labs
Walk for Water Donations
Sign French!!!!!!! (some signatures are still missing)
Connection rubric should be signed for tomorrow

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Today we...
Continued the grade 7 health unit on Addictions - focusing on Eating Disorders
Began the grade 7 health unit on growth and development
Grade 7s conducted a lab to observe an endothermic reaction
Grade 6s worked on Social Studies - newscast, and 7s worked on History assignment on the Loyalists/War of 1812
For DPA, we tried Tai Chi
In Math, we practised looking for patterns using input/output charts

Grade 7s - get science test signed, complete endo. and exothermic reactions sheet from two days ago, complete endothermic reaction lab from today, get connection rubric signed, get French signed, bring a novel for Monday that is not a graphic novel.
Grade 6s- get French signed, get connection rubric signed, bring novel for Monday that is not a graphic novel, last day of EQAO tomorrow!!!