Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Blog has been updated!

In case you missed it, the blog has been updated on the main page, math page, and literacy page!

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Homework for the Weekend - 

1) Good deed to be shared on Monday
2) Parents sign French Rubric AND French Test
3) Social Studies Presentations continue on Monday - they should have been ready to go a week ago
4) PJ DAY!
5) Any GRADE 7s who did not get their science rubric signed - this is overdue
6) Book donations are being accepted for schools in need
7) Non-perishable items are being collected for our FOOD DRIVE - let's be the class to beat!
8) Anyone who did not get their ART rubric signed - this is overdue
9) 20 minutes reading (it's best to read out loud to someone)

Have a great weekend, and see you all Monday! We have a special guest coming in Monday morning!!

Thursday, 16 November 2017

1) 20 minutes reading - try to read out loud to a sibling, friend, or parent
2) Art poster is due in a week - Day 1
3) Spirit wear orders
4) Genius Hour on FRIDAY has been moved to MONDAY (most likely) in order to get in some extra math! This way our Genius Hour will not have to end early for class meeting.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Students who did not finish writing the math notes for today can use this picture to complete their notes tonight.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

1) Spelling test on contractions, they're, their, and there, you're and your
2) Good Deed that does not affect you
3) Picture re-takes on Wednesday

Monday, 16 October 2017

1) Math tests need to be signed and handed in if not yet done
2) 3-5 GOOD questions and 3 need to be responded to in proper paragraph form
3) Read 20 minutes